Category: Field Notes
Clarion-Ledger & Hattiesburg American Book Review: WATERSHED
“Pack your paddle, grab your life vest and jump in your submersible Jeep. We’re off to America’s wildest wetland, a national treasure in our own backyard that’s been compared to the Grand Canyon in terms of natural wonder. And we would have lost it forever, if it weren’t for Herman Murrah.” CONTINUED BELOW It’s a…
A June of Possibility: The Magic of Asking What If
Unlock the power of imagination and discover why it might be the single-most underrated professional skill for people leading public gardens, conservation agencies, and other outdoor fields. It’s June. Ushered by a chorus of cicadas, summer’s rhythms settle in, light lingers in the sky, and time just feels a little more elastic. With daylight stretching…
Persuasion Power: Reclaiming the genius of marketing for good
Ever wonder if marketing works? Go look out your window. If the ground sports grass, you’ve got your answer. Even with growing interest in movements to shrink the lawn, participate in No-Mow May and leave the leaves, the pressure to maintain “the perfect lawn” can feel surprisingly palpable to those who wish to deviate from…
If we value productivity, we also need to value this.
Guess what? It is ok to put energy into your own growth. And guess what else? That mindset in no way conflicts with one’s ability to be generous, available, or nurturing. In other words, productive in the truest sense. The wild blackberry vine holds these truths as self-evident. It neither asks permission nor begs any…
Efficiency, growth, and slime mold
If you could effortlessly access whatever it is that nourishes you most, what would you reach for today? With a new business to tend, I found myself oddly intrigued when one of nature’s oldest growth experts appeared in my backyard. Overnight, a neon yellow slime mold claimed the shiitake logs that had for months been…
The Reading Behind the Writing
A Roundup of Books That Changed The Way I Think, Act, and Write Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I took some pivotal steps on the path that led to my present life around 2012, when I casually picked up a book called Better OFF. It’s a memoir about a self-imposed technological detox…